: happy data privacy day :

padlockSeriously, Congress made this an official thing in 2009 and the dudes at the NSA are still laughing. When they take a break from reading our emails, that is. The CIA thinks it’s pretty funny, too, in their idle Senate hacking moments. Anyone and anything is fair game online.

You see, there’s no real privacy law in the United States. Stuff like medical and financial information is protected, and school records, but that’s about it. Besides, what’s the point? We give it away to anyone who asks, anyway. They don’t even have to ask nicely; we just hand it over. That’s the price we pay for the convenience and ease of online shopping. Plus shipping.

So unless you want the world to know your business, don’t tweet it. Or text it. Or email it. Or post about it. Use a little discretion and keep it to yourself, for crying out loud. A tricky, impenetrable password wouldn’t be a bad idea, either. Good luck.

keyholeCopyright © 2015 Publikworks

10 responses to “: happy data privacy day :”

  1. Hi
    I’ma huge fan of your page and think that you should definitely check ut Leopald comedy/entertainment site; I think it’s right up your street!


    1. Why, thank you. I’ll do that!


  2. Passwords are a real problem around here. I have to remember mine, my husband’s and at least three of my clients. They are all lucky I am boring and trustworthy.


    1. No, they’re lucky you have an amazing memory. That’s a lot of passwords! I’m lucky to remember why I’m even there. I forget most of the time.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have no memory any more. I have a book. Written in pencil so that I can erase and put down whatever new concoction they come up with .


        1. That’s a good idea, Michelle. Except I can’t find my pencil. The eraser is right here, but the pencil? Your guess is as good as mine.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. ” When they take a break from reading our emails, that is.”

    I personally do my part to make my emails as boring and inane as possible. My boss and my clients assure me that I have succeeded.


    1. Whoa, that’s brilliant! You could be on to something. Although I can’t believe you’re boring. That’s too clever.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Maybe WordPress will come out with a special award just for today called, “Freshly Breached”


    1. Ha, you ought to send them an email. Make that a postcard.
