: beyond clean underwear :

motherMoms, it turns out, have been misleading us for decades. The state of our underwear is of no actual concern in the event of an accident or injury. Other, more pressing matters crowd out the usual thoughts of fashion or modesty or dignity.

While it’s true, displaying your tatty, sagging skivvies to a group of total strangers is an awkward moment, that’s all it is: a moment. Then you’re on to bigger, scarier things like IVs, X-rays, electrodes, chest tubes, it’s a busy time. So scratch undies off the list, what you should worry about is Phase Ialone in bedI, also known as ‘the hospital stay’.

Everyone reacts differently to the lack of privacy and independence, but I think we’d all agree it’s a dreadful, mind-numbing experience.  Daytime television is awful, nighttime television is awful, counting ceiling tiles is tedious, plotting escape is somewhat entertaining, but pointless when you’re connected to equipment and devices and hanging bags of fluid. With nothing to do and extremely limited mobility, the minutes pass like months.

After this latest disaster, I made a vow to never again leave the house unprepared. Seriously, you do not want to get caught off-guard. I was and I paid a heavy price –I caught a severe case of the stir-crazies. So just assume your every destination is the hospital and pack a bag accordingly. Call it the Comfort Kit and keep it with you at all times.

Herewith, suggestions for a more enjoyable confinement:

undies 1

undies 2

undies 3

undies 4And that’s the latest dispatch from home, where I’m surrounded by books and movies and food and privacy and quiet. The best part? I’m not attached to anything, not a tube or a contraption or a device. Oh, what a lovely feeling.


copyright © 2016 the whirly girl

10 responses to “: beyond clean underwear :”

  1. I’ve been playing some catch up and will have to find the post that tells me what happened. I hope you are well on the mend now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m getting there. Albeit more slowly than I’d like. Thanks!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Glad you’re home. Ditto on the scotch. Hospitals scare the bezezus out of me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You and me, both. I think I’d rather be in prison than a hospital. I may never leave the house again.


  3. Oh, and congrats on being home…!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. You should have seen it; I’ve never moved that fast in my life. Packed, dressed, and out the door in seconds. I was a blur :o)

      Liked by 1 person

  4. you forgot the most indispensable item of all, when dealing with the modern medical state…

    A LARGE supply of single malt scotch…
    Nothing less than 12 years old!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You know, I asked if I could have scotch instead of the morphine drip and they thought I was joking. Who jokes anout scotch?


        1. Let’s drink to that … a few times.

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