: speaking as a poor person :

Politicians misuse the term ‘poor.’ To them, it’s a synonym for stoopid.

Well, that’s simply incorrect. For example, I’m poor, a full-fledged member of the hoi polloi — which means the masses, not the hoity-toity — but I’m not stoopid. Nor am I a criminal, an opportunist, feckless, promiscuous, weak-willed, a bum, or a victim.

Those are a few things I’m not, but which I’m painted as because of my income. Yet, by some standards, I’m less of a failure than the President, who’s declared bankruptcy 6 times and shirked every prevailing moral and ethical responsibility — from taxes to military service to honesty.

Don’t get me wrong, money is nice. I’m sure it’s an enormous comfort and I wish I had a pile on hand. If I had more I’d happily spend more. However, I wouldn’t be any smarter or prettier or better. I’d be exactly the same, albeit with a nicer cushion.

The mistake politicians make is assuming wealth signifies worth. Which it might to them, but not everyone subscribes to their theory. Thing is, low-income people aren’t an asset to politicians; we aren’t campaign contributors or power brokers or influence peddlers. We don’t have lobbyists currying favor on our behalf. What we are, in this day and age, is a scourge.

Poor people are the cause of every social ailment plaguing mankind. Everything from budget deficits to the decaying infrastructure — our fault. So time to end affordable healthcare, affordable housing, roll back clean air and water regulations, build a big wall, and give the super rich another well-deserved tax cut.

Just who are the one percent? They’re smug, arrogant poseurs with a pleonexic sense of entitlement. Sorry, I’ve been in the dictionary again. Pleonexia is a heightened, abnormal, and unhealthy covetousness. But the most insulting term I can apply is predictable. Good God, they’re tiresome.

So, given my druthers, I’ll stick with a small, low-maintenance life of poverty, thanks. I may not have much, but I’ve got a rich imagination and a moral compass and books, lots of books. A personality, too. If that’s poor, it’s not a bad life.

 copyright © 2017 the whirly girl

10 responses to “: speaking as a poor person :”

  1. I would much rather have my simple life full of creativity & freedom to do the things I love than to have tons of money possibly doing something I hated. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are a woman after my own heart! Thank you :o)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What I know about covetousness is that it’s a no-no in one of the 10 commandments: thou shalt not covet another man’s wife (learned that in Sunday school :)
    I love you style of living; do you mind if I throw out another quote? This by Thoreau: “Simplify, simplify, simplify.” Doesn’t that sound blissful?🙏🏻

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It does. A small, simple life offers its own kind of reward, you know? I like not being trapped by possessions. It’s really very liberating.


  3. Well, well, well…
    Learned a new word today…
    Thank you…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I did, too. Covetousness doesn’t pop up in conversation a lot, but it’s still nice to know.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It pops up all the time…
        If you’re a Republican…
        They just don’t call it that.
        After all , the USA is a Christian nation, don’t you know…
        Labels are so very important, in this day and age.
        Especially when I’m the one giving out the definitions…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. In that case, I’d like to request Her Royal Highness as my label, please — Roy for short :o)

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