: life as a junkie :

With the arrival of cool temperatures and shorter stretches of daylight, I spend the better part of my mornings and afternoons chasing sunshine. I want it direct and undiluted, beamed straight from the planet. Shadows, in these early autumn days, are comfortless cold spots, shrouded in gloom and I avoid them like a contagion. Sunshine is what I crave, bright, blinding sunshine. It’s my drug of choice — I’m a self-confessed junkie, desperate for relief.

Mid-morning to mid-afternoon I’ve no trouble scoring a hit; I quickly bliss out, tripping on the warm glow speeding through my veins. Sunshine seems to be everywhere then. But as sure as the sun rises, it also sets — earlier and earlier these days. And as the sun loses altitude shadows grow longer and deeper and colder. So I seek the open spaces, the ones offering the light and warmth I’m jonesing for.

Soon, however, those same open spaces will be torturous wind tunnels, concentrating the impact of arctic blasts. With that thought in mind I bought a new winter hat over the weekend. A thick, furry pillow to pop on my noggin in a desperate, all-out bid to retain a soupçon of body heat this winter. To my great chagrin, I found the ideal fit and style in the children’s department — suitable for ages 3 and up. Good lord, is that depressing or what?

On the upside, no one can possibly accuse me of having a big head, you know, in terms of an oversized ego. Well, they can, I suppose, but I’ll just whip off my tiny, little hat and prove them wrong. nert nert nert

copyright © 2017 the whirly girl

18 responses to “: life as a junkie :”

  1. I am still working on switching the seasons round for us. It is proving trickier than I thought…
    In the meantime I may knit you a hat.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re the best, you know it? Just the best. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll happily settle for your warm thoughts. Often and in quantity, I’ll send you my cool ones. Cool as in temperature, not as in hip :o)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey send me hip cool ones too. Probably be the only time in my life I may achieve a semblance of cool.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I promise, you’re much cooler than I am, hipness- wise. The only cool vibes I have are temperature-related; I’m a flaming dweeb.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Are we having a ‘who-is-the-least-cool’ off? Only thing cool about me is my fridge. Oh and my house because my heating sucks.

            Dweebs rule.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Heh, I can beat that. I start shivering as soon as the temperature drops below 80º.

              Dweebs do rule, but really, really badly :o)


              1. I wear gloves indoors…

                Badly maybe. We do it though in true dweeb style.


                1. Here’s to the dweebs!

                  Liked by 1 person

  2. This was so poetically written. Loved it! And I wholeheartedly agree. My heart is aching for the longer days again. I absolutely hate how dark it gets in morning and early the sun sets at night in the colder seasons… It’s dismal and depressing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dismal is the perfect word for winter darkness. My most favorite word for the season, though, is apricity. It means the warmth of a winter sun. Long out of use, I’m trying to bring it back into favor — without much success so far 🤷🏻‍♀️


      1. I will help you out there and use “apricity” as often as I can haha

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yay! I need all the help I can get, thank you :o)

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  3. In GB we’re constantly, futilely chasing the sun. It’s a never ending battle.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, boy, I feel your pain. I promise to share any and all rays of sunshine I encounter. Deal? 🌻


  4. Beautifully written! Sorry to hear about winter. ;)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, your kindness has warmed my heart nicely❣️

      Liked by 1 person

    1. How perfect. Thanks for introducing me to Roy Ayers!
