: step one :


Publikworks proudly presents — changes. New theme, new look, new tag. The whole shootin’ match. It’s the easy road, naturally, the one requiring the least effort. I spent minutes deciding on a ready-made design, pushed a button and, Bob’s your uncle, a brand new shiny blog. Hey, I lifted a finger, so the credit is deservedly mine. Alone.

With stats in free fall, extreme measures were necessary. Nearly all the options under consideration involved planning and effort and thought, a buckling down which I didn’t like the sound of. Seriously, a complete overhaul? No. Raise my standards? Pfft, what standards? Quit? The thought crossed my mind, and more than once, but no. I’m not a quitter, I’m a slacker.

Changing themes is a Band-Aid on a stab wound, I know, but it’s something. You might want to prepare for some unwelcome fallout, just in case. See, there’s bound to be an adjustment period with this new design. Different features in different places in a different environment spell trouble. For you more than me.

Bogus notifications will go flying. I guarantee it. You’ll be alerted to non-existent new posts, partial posts, posts in progress, repeat posts, reblogs, all manner of nonsense will come your way. Approach any and all digital communications from publikworks with suspicion until further notice.

Lastly, don’t get attached to the new look. It could be transitory, a passing fancy. I got a bee in my bonnet, threw caution to the wind, and barged into unfamiliar, alien territory without a map. I may soon discover I’ve thrown the baby out with the bath water. Don’t you love the wild mix of metaphors and alliteration? Bees, bonnet, baby, bath water. It’s a gift.

Themes are important, they have to reflect the tone and attitude of the material published on it. I hope I chose correctly, but if I didn’t I won’t hesitate to go back to my old one. Unannounced. I won’t ask your permission or issue a warning, I’ll just go. I won’t want to, since it’s just more work, but I will if this turns into a hideous mistake. The header could change, as well — an alternate does exist. I’m on a tear.

If you have a moment, let me know what you think. Do you like it? Hate it? Or are you totally unimpressed? I haven’t decided yet myself, so take your time. Now, I’ll kick things off with a ‘Like’ on my own damn post — familiarizing you with the coming attractions, aka screw ups.

Okay, I need a nap. I’m exhausted.

sleeping_womanCopyright © 2015 Publikworks

8 responses to “: step one :”

  1. I pondered changing my theme/format/other-people’s-graphic-design many times before finally raising a finger to actually do it. I might not have sweated much due to finger exertion, but there was no shortage of stress-related perspiration.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Converting to the new one went off without a hitch. But I proceeded to delete the post by hitting trash instead of edit. There’s still an issue with the header, too. So there’s plenty of sweat, Dave. I’m short of brains.


  2. Reblogged this on OPTIMISM.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I understand, I’ve been accused of “taking the easy road” quite a few times myself

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s the only way to go. Aren’t the rest stops delightful? I stop at every one and I’m never disappointed.


  4. Doesn’t make a bit of difference to me because I only met you a day or so ago but I love the content. Keep it coming, no matter what it looks like. Cheers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How I love you easy to please types! You make life lovely and fun. Thank you eileenbrown7, I’m very happy to know you.
